busy signal on cell phone sprint
When the phone is picked up there is always a busy signal preventing outbound calls. Busy Call Forwarding free on the Sprint Phone Connect Plan dial 74 and then the number you want to forward the call to.
Im starting to get these weird busy signals during my phone calls on my cell.

. If youre on the Verizon network dial 228 and select option 2. It will happen when I call my other phone sitting right next to me or a company with hundreds of. Yes I can check voicemail dialing directly.
A phone line should free up eventually. It can happen when more people call than there are available phone lines. If the dialed number is in-use busy your service provider will send you a busy signal.
They numbers DONOT ring through first and then go to the busy signal they just have a busy signal right off the bat. It happens during during a call and not when i iniate it. We have contacted Verizon technical who has assigned us a ticket flagged our phones but nothing has changed or fixed the problem.
I know Im not blocked from these numbers because one of the numbers is my gf and the other one of my close friends. If the dialed number is available for a call your service provider completes the call. When you contact your carrier check the following.
Be smart and make a signal map to ensure you do not miss calls. Its freaking annoying as i have to hang up and call back. If youre at home take a few minutes to make a signal map of your house.
Walk around your home and write down the signal level in each room. A fast busy signal on a cellphone means that all of the cellular circuits are tied up by other users and the call cannot go through to the intended person. There are many problems and issues that may interrupt service or leave callers unable to reach the number they.
Tap the 3 stacked dots in the upper-right. As of April 1st 2020 Sprint is now part of T-Mobile. I unplugged each one individually and checked line and same problem with both phones.
In any event calls seem to be going to voicemail now when I am unable to answer instead of a busy signal. Download the Forums for Android app. The PRL determines the cellular towers that your iPhone uses for cell service and selects those with the best signal strength.
Outgoing cell calls result in a busy signal. Scroll down and tap Supplementary services. Other Ways to Fix the All Circuits Are Busy Error 1.
In these instances a caller must hang up and redial until the cellular circuits can transfer the call to the intended person. Tap Show my caller ID. It doesnt happen to all numbers all of the time but it is happening more often.
Its landlines and cell phone verizon and sprint and att found that out by going to an ATT store and they used their VERIZON landline which I found ironic. I have two phones on this line. My reception is ok when it happens maybe 2 or 3 bars.
Can receive calls on the cellular network. A fast busy signal sometimes called a reorder tone indicates that there is no way to reach the number dialed. They just say it is a routing issue.
Marketplace phone manufacturers carriers smartphonesPDAs general phone discussion buy sell trade and general discussions. Open the Phone app. Also when you enable Do Not Disturb using 78 and dont have Voice Mail callers will hear a busy signal If Do Not Disturb was turned on using the phone it cannot be turned off online.
I have been getting a busy signal when making out going calls. Discussion in Sprint started by gr42ai Nov 29 2012. No sure how to proceed in testing.
By the way im with sprint but i. To setup Call Forwarding first pick up the handset and wait for a dial tone. Remove and reinstall your sim card.
To disable this feature dial 730. If youre on the Sprint network dial 873283. Doing so may help restore network strength and by the time your phone is on you will find a free outgoing line to complete your call.
0 Kudos 1 REPLY 1. Ive recently been having issues when calling certain numbers that my phone either starts ringing a few times then I get a busy signal or sometimes just a busy signl right away. Our calls went straight to voicemail.
Busy signal on outbound calls on sprint HowardForums is a discussion board dedicated to mobile phones with over 1000000 members and growing. Busy signal may result when user is not using voicemail. A fast-busy message usually means that there arent any free outgoing lines.
It will happen atleast 3 or 4 days a week not all day only random times. Samsung 30 phones. For your convenience HowardForums is divided into 7 main sections.
If you call again immediately or later you may get busy signal or you may get through its completely random. People get a busy signal when calling me. Please continue hanging up and trying again.
No Answer Call Forwarding free on the Sprint Phone Connect Plan dial 73. See Fios Digital Voice User Guide page 15. Welcome to the Sprint subreddit where we discuss news user feedback phone updates tips and.
Perhaps the easiest way to deal with an all circuits are busy error is to restart your phone. Unplug every phone and then plug each one back in one by one. Reorder tones are most often played following a recorded message describing the problem encountered with an attempted call.
My DSL works fine but receive busy signal when trying to call out as well as when someone tries to call in. We can definitely provide you with some more information. Check for a dial tone each time.
Ill be available early next week to discuss if necessary. Set to Network Default. However my Wi-Fi signal was also strong so I do not know why that would cause a busy signal for callers.
This just started today and there is no reason to believe that inbound calls are working either. I can get some phone numbers or at least one for you but I do not want to list it publicly. This way you will know which areas of the house get the strongest cell phone signal and you can go to that spot to make a call.
I just changed my greeting today actually. Sometimes when I call people I get a busy signal with any sprint phone including my evo and if i hang up and try again it works does anyone have this problem help asap it is annoying me 1 Needforspeed Aug 25 2010. When the numbers are dialed we get a very fast busy signal.
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